The leisure industry spans a broad range of sectors which
each have very different requirements. From a cutting edge
4K cinema with complex audio and lighting systems,
to a complete renovation of a large hotel, RCE Services has
the ability, knowledge and expertise to innovate your space.


Our overall aim with a leisure fit-out is to ensure that the space becomes a destination venue in its own right. Consumers are increasingly aware of high specification technology and quality materials, both of which RCE Services use to maximum effect where your project brief allows.


Increasingly demanding consumers and competitive market conditions have led to innovation, quality, variety and value being more important than ever. Attending industry shows and always ‘on the look-out’ for the latest trends, our design team have creative design ideas for any sector.


Lighting is a key tool when enhancing any leisure environment. Research has shown that the type of illumination within a leisure environment can not only create space but can also directly affect the environment and the mood of the consumer. RCE Services has extensive knowledge and experience in providing highly customisable scene lighting which can be used to meet the needs of your leisure sector.

Our clients include…